We’re Looking For A Graphic Recorder

Graphic recording. Image by Raj Rana / CC-BY.
Graphic recording. Image by Raj Rana / CC-BY.

Are you a talented graphic recorder? Would you like to help us visualise the outcomes of our project’s final workshop in London? If so, read on.

We want to graphically record the break-out sessions of our final workshop:  Newspapers in Europe and the Digital Agenda for Europe. The workshop takes place in London on September 29-30th at the British Library and 75 people will attend (see the agenda).

During the workshop we will have 2 break-out sessions. Each break-out session will consist of 6 groups, which will discuss a topic and report back. We would like you to record the discussions. The successful graphic recording will meet the following conditions:

  • Delivery: Rough draft at the workshop itself and a digital version approximately 1 week later.
  • Format: Analog output at the workshop and a digital copy afterwards
  • License: All output needs to be licensed CC-BY and credited to Europeana Newspapers.
  • Number of Illustrators: Six groups will have a break-out session at the same time. This will be followed by 30 minutes of reporting back. We believe this will require a minimum of 2 illustrators to effectively capture the main points.
  • Budget: Approximately €4000

If you are interested in bidding, download the full information sheet and submit your bid. All quotes should be sent to marieke.willems@kb.nl and must be received no later than Friday, August 15th, 2014. Please use the subject line “Europeana Newspapers Graphic Recording”.

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